Saturday, April 21, 2012

Weather and Water Temperature in September

Hi Again -

Wondering what I should pack for my visit in mid-September. I understand the weather is ideal this time of the year, but it seems kinda cool. How should I pack?

Also, will the ocean water be warm enough for swimming???

Thanks again for the help!!! :)

Weather and Water Temperature in September

Weather is generally nice in September, but it can be unpredictable. I%26#39;d pack light - shorts, t shirts, pants, and a light sweater or jacket for the evenings. It%26#39;s important to note that most weather readings for San Diego are typically taken on the Bay. So often, when you%26#39;re watching the news and you see that the temperature for San Diego is 70 degrees, it very well could be 85 degrees in Mission Valley. Depending on where you%26#39;re staying, it%26#39;s important to note. The beach areas tend to be several degrees cooler from the onshore winds.

The water should be anywhere from 65-70 degrees. Which is perfectly fine for me to swim in, but some people find that too cold. Dont really understand that one, but to each his own.........

Weather and Water Temperature in September

Naven - What%26#39;s the weather like in November? I read in my Frommer%26#39;s book that the water is still warm enough for swimming, but I%26#39;ve read in other places that wetsuits are in order at that time of year.

The water temp in Sept should be above 70.... Probably 71 or 72... it should definitely be just boardshort temp, no wetsuit required...

September weather is usually the best, when you have the chance for an early season Santa Ana (which causes all the fires), or the hurricanes down south send up the tropical moisture and really heat things up, plus give you great thunderstorms to watch at night. But, on the otherhand, you could get stuck with the fog hanging around the beaches all day and never burning off, so its hit or miss.

Shouldn%26#39;t be too cold at night, light jacket weather. just check the website before you travel!

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