Saturday, March 24, 2012

Trying to book online Alcatraz night tour?

Hi I am trying to book our trip to Alcatraz for a evening tour and it only shows the latest time of 145 p.m. I know a while back I read where someone else was having trouble and I did a search but could not find the answer. I thought if we went over around 3 p.m. we would come back in the dark but still get the feel of day %26amp; night on the island? If someone can help me out I would appreciate it.

Trying to book online Alcatraz night tour?

I just tried the website and I was able to find the evening tour. I just picked a random date (Thurs. March 16) and the evening tour is the 4:20pm-7:00opm. 1:45 is the last time slot before that.

Trying to book online Alcatraz night tour?

Thanks Saks I just checked it out again and Feb/Mar you can book T/F/S/S/M evening tours but April dates only have until 145 p.m. so maybe I have to wait a few more weeks for April evening times to open up?

Maybe(?) I actually haven%26#39;t booked an Alcatraz tour in a couple years, but I think we booked about a month ahead of time. If there is any way to contact the site, you may want to check into it. I am sorry I cannot offer more assistance.

They don%26#39;t post beyond 30 days for the night tour as I recall. Be patient and keep trying. This only seems to be the case for night tours. Sunset now is around 6pm, and getting later every day. Don%26#39;t know what your time frame is, but daylight is increasing this time of year.

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