Saturday, March 24, 2012

napa/sonoma valley with 18 yr old

My husband,myself and 18 year old son will be traveling to wine country on a day trip this August. Should we plan to visit Sonoma or Napa Valley? Are there wineries that give tours that would be interesting for an 18 year old? Thank you.

napa/sonoma valley with 18 yr old

The Korbel Winery is very interesting, after all Wisconsin is probably the largest consumer of their brandy, but don%26#39;t expect any tastings of brandy--they don%26#39;t have a brandy dispensing license. I hope you have plans to see Pt. Reyes National Seashore it is amazing, but get there early! If you go near the Jelly Belly Factory and your son likes candy this factory tour is very informative and tasty. shows some very interesting photos and will give you insight to the scenic back roads that the locals don%26#39;t want you to be on, trust me the second they see out of state plates or slow drivers they will whiz on by when it is safe to pull over let them pass.

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